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Further to amend the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act, 1960. WHEREAS it is expedient further to amend the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act, 1960, for the purposes hereinafter appearing; it is hereby enacted in the Seventy-fifth Year of the Republic of India, as follows :— 1. This Act may be called the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies (Second Amendment) Act, 2024. 2. After section 69 of the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act, 1960 (hereinafter referred to as “the principal Act”), the following section shall be inserted, namely:––
“69A. (1) There shall be constituted a Co-operative District Cadre of Secretaries of the Primary Agricultural Co-operative Credit Societies (hereinafter in this section referred to as “the Co-operative District Cadre”) consisting of persons recruited for this purpose by the District Supervision Co-operative Society. The number of persons to be recruited in the Co-operative District Cadre and their conditions of service shall be determined by the District Supervision Co-operative Society in accordance with such general or special guidelines, if any, as may be issued by the State Government, in this behalf, from time to time. (2) A District Supervision Co-operative Society may, from time to time, depute any person appointed by it to work under any society referred to in sub-section (1) as it may consider necessary. Where any such person is posted to work under any society, his services shall be taken over by the society on such post, for such period and on such other terms and conditions, as the District Supervision Co-operative Society may determine. The person so posted shall draw his salary and allowances from the Fund established under sub-section (4). (3) The immediate initial supervisory control on the person appointed in the Co-operative District Cadre and deputed or posted to work as a Secretary under each of the societies referred to in sub-section (1) shall vest with the society concerned. Such society shall follow the bye-laws of the District Supervision Co-operative Society regarding the terms and conditions of services of Secretaries. (4) A District Supervision Co-operative Society shall establish a Fund to be called “the Co-operative District Cadre Employment Fund” and it shall be utilised for meeting the expenses on the salaries, allowances and other emoluments to be paid to the persons appointed to the Co-operative District Cadre and the other expenditure relating to the Cadre. (5) Every society, which derives any benefit directly from the service of any Secretary belonging to the Co-operative District Cadre shall contribute to the said Fund at such rate and in such manner as may be prescribed by the State Government. In determining the rate of contribution, the State Government shall take into consideration the expenditure referred to in sub-section (4), the services likely to be rendered, the financial condition of the societies, including the loans disbursed and outstanding